2013 in Review

2013 signaled the coming of age for Nopuff and my full-time commitment. Thank you to everyone that has supported and encouraged me this year. Especially those of you that have worked so hard and quit smoking, you make me so proud! Congratulations – a healthy, wealthier life is ahead of you.

Nopuff Smokers’ Clinic was established earlier this year at Ballow Chambers, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, thanks to a very generous and  foresighted Respiratory Physician.     Unfortunately it has been difficult to get the word out to doctors and specialists to refer patients to the clinic which has resulted in very few clinic patients. There is a non-awareness of (TTS) and smoking cessation professionals in the community and health system. My message to everyone in 2014 is to make your friends, family, doctors, pharmacists and all health professionals aware that smokers are sick of being told to quit smoking, they need to know how!!!!……That is where a TTS comes into the equation. You don’t need to be referred by a health professional, you can contact me and have a 10 minute free, no obligation chat on how we can be assisted to quit smoking.

The other achievement of 2013 was the Nopuff Nicotine Addiction and Smoking Cessation 2 day Training Course. What a blast! Thank you to everyone that attended my courses. I got so much satisfaction seeing that “light go on” and knowing what you are now capable of achieving. There is still a lot more to do in that area and I hope to continue training in 2014. Congratulations to everyone that is now out there doing a wonderful job assisting their smoking patients to quit….you are my heroes! Keep up the good work!

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